February 27, 2008

Negotiations - February 29

The February Negotiations panel is scheduled for Friday, February 29 at 2:30 pm in 421 HL. Drinks and food at Faegan's to follow.

Negotiations is both a showcase for new scholarship produced by graduate students in the department, and a workshop that offers feedback and criticism for graduate student work in its early stages. Please attend, ask questions, and support the work of your colleagues and your department.

Michael Dwyer will be reading from his work, "Back to the Future and the Fantasy Return to the Fifties", which attempts to understand the role of a particular understanding of "the Fifties" in the rise of the New Right in the 1970s and 1980s.

Chuck Robinson's "The Country and the City (and the Zombie)" uses Raymond Williams' foundational text to inquire into the ambiguous, and ambivalent, place of "the zombie" in contemporary film & culture.

Rounding out the panel will be Ivy Kleinbart, who will read from her paper "'Church-bells beyond the stars heard': Reading Form and Structure in George Herbert's The Temple".

See you all there!

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