September 13, 2005

Dates, Time, and Location of Department Assembly Meetings - FALL 2005

The following is copied from a Memo sent by G. Lambert, Chair to the faculty, 16 August 05:

Assembly Meetings & Committees 05-06: Assembly meetings will take place on the third Wednesday of each month, between 10-30-12:00pm, except where there is a conflict in room assignment. I will request that Chairs of the undergraduate and graduate committees schedule meetings on alternative Wednesdays, during the same time period, and the English Library will be available at the beginning the semester and through the year. I will soon be distributing the sign-up sheet for faculty service; all new faculty, as well as part-time faculty, are excused from serving on a committee the first year of their appointment. Of course, regular part-time faculty have no service requirement, unless they choose to volunteer. However, given the motion to amend the department’s committee structure, in its first meeting I will ask the Agenda only to appoint members of the undergraduate and graduate committees. Finally, I have also scheduled a meeting for the Promotion & Tenure Committee this fall in order to review procedures and make any revisions to the process, as well as to organize and prepare for several cases that we have upcoming in the next year. Please see attached schedule mark your calendar and plan to attend these meetings where we conduct all the important business of the department.
(emphasis added)

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